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From a short presentation to a multi-day workshop, webinar, or a project consultation, fill up your regenerative repair toolbox and gain the skills necessary to design and implement a bioremediation and earth repair project in your community!

Some of the courses  I offer include:

Introduction to Earth Repair: Regenerative Remedies for Toxic Realities

From supporting communities recovering from environmental disasters to transforming contaminated urban lots to grow healthy local and accessible food, how can we work with the power of living systems to bring healing and regeneration to the lands and waters that sustain us? This workshop is an introduction to the wild world of bioremediation, exploring ways to work with the many micro-organisms, fungi, and plants that are some of the planets finest and oldest disaster responders, alchemists, and healers.

The workshop will cover the basics of microbial remediation (bacteria), phytoremediation (plants) and mycoremediation (fungi). It will also share important self-care practices for earth repair practitioners working and living in contaminated environments. Finally, it will cover the use bioremediation rooted in earth care and solid community organizing to support frontline communities responding to natural and environmental disasters, from the aftermath of wildfires to oil spills.

Microbial Remediation

Using microorganisms to break down and bind contaminants.


Using plants to extract, bind, and transform toxins.


Using fungi to clean up contaminated soil and water.

Oil Spills 101: Response, Community Organizing & Bioremediation

When it comes to oil spills, what can you do to protect yourself, your community, and help remediate and restore the environment? This workshop will explore some of the ways that you can skill up and step up when it comes to community oil spill response and recovery, as well as ways to work with bioremediation to assist in ecological recovery.

The workshop starts with an introduction to oil spills; how different oils behave in different environments and the factors that affect oil spill cleanup. It also covers conventional oil spill response methods used by government and industry, the contaminants to watch out for, and the environmental and health impacts of oil spills. Options for grassroots bioremediation responses to oil spills and hydrocarbon contamination is then explored, with a focus on natural sorbents and booms, mycoremediation, microbial remediation, and phytoremediation tools and considerations. Finally, we delve into self-care for spill responders and community members, including appropriate personal protective gear and how to work with different plant and mushroom allies to help with healing from toxic exposure.

Wildfire Recovery & Bioremediation Solutions

The environmental legacy of wildfires that burn through built communities presents significant health and ecological hazards, essential a secondary disaster with sometimes long standing toxic consequences. Toxic debris and ash is left behind by burnt structures and materials, which may have high levels of heavy metals and chemicals that can contaminate soil, as well threaten surface and groundwater via runoff from rain or snow melt, landslides, or windstorms. This workshop delves into bioremediation solutions for post fire contamination. It will explore microbial remediation (working with microbes), phytoremediation (working with plants), and mycoremediation (working with fungi) to either break down, bind, or extract contaminants and help with the regeneration and healing of the soil. It also covers important considerations and strategies for helping keep yourself, your family, and your community healthy during and after the wildfire, with some helpful tips on healing foods, herbal and mushroom allies that can assist with supporting the body in coping with stress, trauma, smoke, and toxicity.

Hosting a Workshop or Presentation

If you would like to host a workshop or presentation in your community, please contact me to discuss details.

Workshops can be tailored to support your specific project or interest – from bioremediation for urban agriculture and food justice, to bioremediation and community organizing options for oil spills, wildfires, and disaster recovery.  I also offer consultations and coaching in person or virtually for potential bioremediation projects.

It is also really important for me that this information be accessible and available to folks, especially those living in communities that are on the frontlines of environmental destruction or in the shadow of polluting industries and their toxic legacies. If finances are tight and you would like a workshop, presentation or consultation, we can look into creative solutions and ways for me to visit or send more information your way. Contact me for more information.